Ok..after my last blog post on social entrepreneurship , I did some more research and wanted to post couple of ideas. However, pressures of my day job, and my habit of getting into too many discussions on the Net, meant I had to put off the social entrepreneurship blog posts for this week also. I did not check the Offstumped site for a few days last week.And I had stopped visiting the Friends of BJP site as well.But this morning, I went to the Offstumped and FoBJP sites, and read the posts by Amit Malaviya and Rajesh Jain.These two gentlemen have come up with a Concept Note for setting up a Center Right Think Tank for India. You can read part 1 of the Concept Note here. Read all four parts (till now) from that site. Excerpt from Part 1: India suffers from a lack of critical thinking on several key issues of national importance. The thinking that goes on happens within the confines of government - the civil service and the cabinet. There is almost a complete absence of groups outsid...
"Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble floating in a stream..so, is all conditioned existence to be seen" - The Diamond Sutra